Monday, November 19, 2012


It's amazing to think that just twenty-four hours ago, we were in the middle of act two, with Chuck accosting Ariel, Willard singing about his Mama, Bomont heading to a town council meeting, and ultimately the town being able to throw a dance.  One might even say a kick-ass party that knocked Bomont right off its tractor.

Even more amazing to think that one week ago, we were in the midst of a technical rehearsal, moving benches, checking mics, and gearing up to open the show.

The last ten weeks have been extraordinary.  Truly extraordinary.  Putting together a musical is such a gigantic collaboration, where so many departments and dozens of people have to all work together towards the same goal to get the curtain up on opening night.  The amazing work of the cast, the band, the crew, the front of house staff, the designers, the production team, and everyone at the Arts and Culture Centre made our show happen.

And this is a very special group of people, a very special company.  So much excitement, so much energy, so much talent, and so much generosity from everyone involved with the show made it a truly wonderful, engaging, exciting, and unique production.  It's not everyday and not every musical that you get to work with such an amazing group.

The sun has set on Bomont for now, and we've cut footloose for the last time.  But I know I'm taking great memories with me from this experience.  I really hope you all are, too.

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