Four weeks, friends. Our show opens four weeks from today. That may seem like a long a time, but, trust me, it's going to fly by. We'll be getting into fittings, sound checks, spacing on the stage, and tech rehearsals in no time at all.
So now is a good time to make sure you know all those steps, all those notes, all those words, and all that blocking. Here is a quick list of resources you have at the ready, all to help you give your best possible performance and make this the best possible production of
Rehearsal time-During rehearsals,
feel free to ask questions if things aren't clear. If you're not totally sure on a section of music, ask for help. If a cue to enter doesn't exactly make sense, go ahead and ask for a clarification. During our rehearsal hours, we're all devoted to the show, so please ask questions to make sure you feel good about your performance.
Your friends-You've all been in the same rooms, rehearsing the same songs and dances and scenes, with the same people for over a month now. If you're not sure about something, ask a cast mate if they know. If you feel like there are a few notes or steps you're not getting, ask a friend to come to rehearsal ten minutes early with you to go over that section. We've all got each others' backs. All you need do is ask.
Accompanease-Many of you have downloaded and are using this program. Keep it up! Those of you who haven't, now is a great time to check it out. It allows you to change the tempo, to isolate your part, to hear only specific sections, and more. Use this at home to make sure that you know those notes, so when you come into rehearsal, you're ready to go. Here is the
link to download.
Dropbox-There is a shared folder on the website
DropBox with music and the show plot, ready for you to download. If you need an invite to join the folder, e-mail me and I'll set it up for you. We'll continue to add resources that might be helpful into this folder. The website for DropBox is at this
These are just a few things to help you review and refine your material, during rehearsal and on your own. Let us know if we can help. Four weeks to the big opening means four weeks of hard work, but all towards putting this fantastic musical.